The Longfin Panda Corydoras is a selectively bred variant of the popular Corydoras panda species. This variation is known for its long and flowing fins, which give it a distinctive...
The Panda Corydoras, scientifically known as Corydoras panda, is a popular and charming species of freshwater catfish commonly kept in aquariums. They are appreciated for their distinctive coloration and peaceful...
The "Salt and Pepper Corydoras" is another common name for the Corydoras paleatus, which is also known as the Peppered Corydoras or Pepper Cory. This is a widely recognized and...
Sterba's Corydoras, scientifically known as Corydoras sterbai, is a popular and visually striking species of catfish commonly kept in freshwater aquariums. They are highly regarded for their unique appearance and...