Black King Kong - Shadow Panda (Pale Blue) Shrimp are a captivating and visually striking variety of freshwater shrimp that have captured the interest of aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are...
Black King Kong - Shadow Mosura are a captivating and visually intriguing variety of freshwater shrimp that have gained significant attention among aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are known for their...
Black King Kong Shrimp - Mixed are a captivating and visually diverse variety of freshwater shrimp that have captured the interest of aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are known for their...
Red King Kong Shrimp - Mixed are a captivating and visually diverse variety of freshwater shrimp that have captured the interest of aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are known for their...
Red King Kong Extreme Shrimp are a captivating and visually stunning variety of freshwater shrimp that have gained significant attention among aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are known for their vibrant...
Red King Kong Shrimp, particularly in their male form, are a captivating and visually striking variety of freshwater shrimp that have captured the interest of aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are...
Blue Bolt Caridinas - Grade A are a captivating variety of freshwater shrimp that have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are known for their striking blue coloration and...
Blue Bolt Caridinas - S-SS Grade are a captivating and visually stunning variety of freshwater shrimp that have garnered significant attention among aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are known for their...
Blue Bolt Caridinas - Male Mixed Grade are a captivating and visually diverse variety of freshwater shrimp that have captured the interest of aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are known for...