OE Blue Steel Caridinas are a captivating and visually distinctive variety of freshwater shrimp that have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. "OE" stands for "Over-Expression," indicating a genetic trait that...
OE Yellow King Kong Caridinas are a captivating and visually striking variety of freshwater shrimp that have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. "OE" stands for "Orange Eyes," indicating a genetic...
OE RKK Rili Caridinas (excluding panda type) are a captivating and visually engaging variety of freshwater shrimp that have caught the attention of aquarium enthusiasts. "OE" stands for "Orange Eye,"...
OE Red King Kong Extreme Caridinas are a captivating and visually striking variety of freshwater shrimp that have garnered significant attention among aquarium enthusiasts. "OE" stands for "Orange Eye," indicating...
Orange Eye Royal Blue Tiger (OERBT) shrimp are a visually stunning and sought-after variety of freshwater shrimp that have captivated the interest of aquarium enthusiasts. "OERBT" stands for "Orange Eye...
Orange Eye Blue Tiger Caridinas (OEBT) Mixed are a captivating and visually diverse variety of freshwater shrimp that have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. "OEBT" stands for "Orange Eye Blue...
OE Black King Kong Extreme Caridinas are a visually striking and captivating variety of freshwater shrimp that have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. "OE" stands for "Orange Eye," indicating a...
Green Babaulti Shrimp, scientifically known as Caridina cf. babaulti, are a captivating and distinctive variety of freshwater shrimp that have caught the interest of aquarium enthusiasts. These shrimp are often...
"Caridina culls" refers to shrimp of the Caridina genus that do not meet the specific desired traits or qualities for a particular breeding project or desired variety. These shrimp are...